Apparatus : A Weston type of galvanometer , a voltmeter , a battery /battery eliminator , two 10,000 ohm and 200 ohm ) resistance boxes , two one way key , a rheostat , a screw gauge , a meter scale , an ammeter of given range , connecting wires and a piece of sand paper .
ApparatusA weston type galvanometer, a voltmeter, a battery or battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and 200 Ω) resistance boxes, two one-way keys, a rheostat, a screw gauge, a metre scale, an ammeter of given range, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.
Resistance Of Galvanometer By Half Deflection Method Pdf Download
A galvanometer is a device used to detect feeble electric currents in a circuit. It consists of a coil suspended between the poles of a powerful magnet. As current passes through the coil, it deflects. It can be detected from the deflection on galvanometer needle. The deflection is proportional to the current passed through it.
To verify the laws of combination (parallel) of resistances using a metre bridge. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of merit.
To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same.OR
To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into an ammeter of desired range and to verify the same.
To find the frequency of AC mains with a sonometer.